South African Rooftop Brand Introduces Hard-Top ‘Stealth’

南非建筑商 Eezi-Awn 推出的一款名为 Stealth 的新型屋顶帐篷是硬壳帐篷的高端演变。

Eezi-Awn 隐形屋顶帐篷

硬壳车顶帐篷 (RTT) 正在知名品牌中流行。在过去的五年里,屋顶帐篷市场呈爆炸式增长,在这种繁荣中,硬壳帐篷等利基市场出现了。


The latest entry to the hard-shell RTT market is the Eezi-Awn Stealth. It brings the legendary South African Eezi-Awn build quality to the hard-shell world in an eye-catching, durable, and unique package. The company has been making RTTs for more than 30 years, and its tents have been proven around the globe in the harshest conditions.

What really sets the Eezi-Awn Stealth apart from the competition is the unique aerodynamic shape and South African build quality. The integrated ladder and bedding storage features are rarely found in other hard-shell RTT models.

Quality South African Rooftop Tent

Eezi-Awn 隐形屋顶帐篷

外壳由轻质铝制成,并涂有哑光黑色粉末,经久耐用。帐篷墙壁由耐用的防撕裂帆布制成,这一点已经在全球其他 Eezi-Awn 帐篷中得到了时间的证明。全程使用YKK拉链。

Stealth 的集成式 84 英寸长、52 英寸宽、3.5 英寸厚的绗缝床垫可供两名成人舒适入睡。无论外面的天气如何,地板和屋顶的额外隔热层也一定能让您保持舒适。

Eezi-Awn 隐形屋顶帐篷

Stealth 的设置和故障非常简单,而且比传统 RTT 更快。帐篷释放装置和气撑杆每个角的小闩锁有助于打开轻质铝制屋顶。方便放置的手柄可以轻松地将帐篷拉回,而快速释放的弹力绳则可以将帆布墙拉入,以便轻松打包。


Stealth 独特的形状和结构提供了其他硬壳所没有的出色存储空间。屋顶形状在收起后可提供内部空间以存放帐篷内的床上用品。定制设计的梯子从帐篷的集成存储中滑出。

虽然 Stealth 是一款令人印象深刻的产品,但它确实缺乏您在这个价位的优质 RTT 中所期望的一些功能。它不提供电源端口、照明或任何内部存储口袋,而这些都是当今许多 RTT 的标准配置。

Eezi-Awn 隐形屋顶帐篷

The Stealth takes up the entire roof rack area of most vehicles. But it’s designed in such a way that adding load bars onto its roof should be possible. This will make carrying bikes, kayaks, and skis a non-issue.

It’s also a very heavy tent at 220 lbs. Those interested in the model should plan some research around mounting options. Expect the heavy load, high on a vehicle, to affect handling and performance. And obviously, multiple people will be needed to mount or dismount the tent.

Equipt Expedition Outfitters, an industry leader in high-quality overland vehicle equipment, is the exclusive U.S. distributor of Eezi-Awn. You can find more details and purchase information on the Stealth RTT here.

Eezi-Awn Stealth RTT

  • MSRP: $3,900
  • Weight: 220 lbs
  • 尺寸(闭合):前面 87 英寸长 x 57 英寸宽 x 6.5 英寸高,后面 12 英寸高
  • 尺寸(打开):正面 87 英寸长 x 57 英寸宽 x 17 英寸高,背面 56 英寸高
  • 铝粉末涂层机身
  • 防撕裂帆布侧面和 YKK 拉链
  • 内置 84 英寸长 x 52 英寸宽 x 3.5 英寸高床垫,带绗缝表面
  • 可容纳 2 名成人
  • 自动安装和拆卸
  • 带隐私网板的双入口
  • 隔热屋顶和地板
  • 加高后车顶可容纳床上用品存储空间
  • 包括梯子(帐篷下存放)