Humvee Camper Delivers Old-School Army Surplus Vibes

In this clip, YouTuber Mav hits the boonies in his decommissioned M1123, an ex-military communications vehicle. The Humvee platform and stenciled USMC designations over a classic camo paint job lend the whole trip an “oorah!” feel.

Meanwhile, its various aftermarket appointments deliver the backcountry goods. Watch Mav rumble and bounce over the backroads in between pork-and-beans-style meals, to a guttural gas engine cadence.

Overlanding doesn’t get a whole lot more “army surplus” than in this down-to-earth video.

15 Awesome Adventure Rigs From Overland Expo West 2022

Our motors editor and resident overland expert, Bryon Dorr, scoured Overland Expo West 2022 to find some of the coolest adventure rigs out there. Read more…